

This worked out great for me as I was able to experience both group and private classes, which each have different strengths and challenges. My next two weeks I had private lessons, two hours a day as there was no other students currently at my level. As well as making friends with my classmates. And I soon found myself confidently ordering food and understanding how much things cost at the market. The classes are structured in a way that encourages everyone to participate and speak right from the beginning. I think for me the best thing these early classes gave me was confidence to use whatever Spanish I did know. Those first two weeks we covered a lot of grammar and vocabulary. It was amazing how fast we started to pick up the language, and how well our teacher was able to explain in a way we could follow in Spanish. Our teacher was fabulous and spoke mostly Spanish with us right from day one.


My class included two Canadians, a engineer from Sweden here for a conference, a professional poker player who recently immigrated to Argentina from Australia and a young tourist from England.


My first two weeks at Vamos I attended group classes, four hours a day, with an awesome bunch of people, all beginners like me. Also Read: Learning Spanish From New Zealand to Argentina I had never taken an actual Spanish class in my life so all in all I was rather green, a Spanish newbie. Naturally the app can only go so far and I was not confident using what I had learnt in daily life and was unable to construct my own sentences. I was determined to learn Spanish and the app was a great start, it gave me plenty of vocabulary but only a vague understanding of grammar. Prior to arriving in Buenos Aires I did download the language learning app Duolingo on my phone and used it religiously everyday. I have just completed my first month of classes at Vamos Spanish Academy and I’m so very pleased.įirstly a little background of my general Spanish knowledge before Vamos Spanish Academy came into my life. One to One Spanish Classes Vs Duolingo App
